
The revolutionary new javascript management plugin for MyBB.

Introducing jSnippets Download

The revolutionary javascript management plugin for MyBB will allow you to not only manage all the javascript on your forum in one place, but also download advanced functions directly from the control panel”

By default, we use jQuery as library for our snippets. You can also take advantage of this popular library by writing your own code and snippets and apply them to all your themes easily.

Also, No more conflicts with Prototype. We give your simple instrucitons on how to avoid causing problems with other libraries.

You can always remove jQuery and start using your library of preference, or simply no additional libraries at all.

Why jSnippets?

Javascript is becoming an even more prominent aspect of web design than ever before and it is the third main language of the three front end client side languages. Therefore, the Audentio Design team felt that it deserved its own management area in the control panel.

There is a theme manager for images and CSS and a template manager for HTML. The third aspect is something that has not been included in any forum software and we concluded that by today's standards, it should be considered a more important part.

What it does...

jSnippets Screenshot

No more messy javascript handling

Our comprehensive interface will help you keep your javascript in order, up-to-date, and without the hassle of editing every theme’s template to load files.

Ready-to-use snippets

Add pre-made Snippets from your own AdminCP, or from our website, to quickly add fresh and innovative functions to your board that will delight your users.

Reduce HTTP Requests

jSnippets appends your JS snippets into one single file that gets loaded within the headerinclude. In our next version you'll be able to choose wether you want JS loaded on the <head> or at the end of the <body>.

Snippets, more snippets

Magically transform your forum collapses into smooth animated ones.
Quick Forum Link
Makes the whole forum block on index a link to the forum for faster navigation.
Trow class change on hover
Adds a class to your .trow when it is hovered so you can give your themes a new spicy look.

Pre-made snippets

We are currently working hard to expand our snippets library to give you more and more out of your JS snippets experience. Boost your forum’s user experience easily by downloading our snippets right from your AdminCP.

Looking for developers

If you're interested on creating snippets with us, and have knowledge of JS working with jQuery, please contact us! and become part of this innovating project.

How it works

How jSnippets work
  1. Add your JS code as a snippet. You can select whether the snippet should be attached to every theme or only the ones you want.

    You can also install a pre-made snippet from your AdminCP through the Browse Snippets tab.

  2. If you installed a pre-made snippet, be sure to add the triggering line that comes with the snippet to the General Instructions snippet.

    Also add instructions here if your snippet requires it, or if you are adding minor code lines to use some jQuery, for example.

Once you succesfully add a snippet, all the snippets stored on the database will be loaded as one file and will be attached to the themes you chose.